Roasted Beet Casserole

  Roasted Beet Casserole

I love beets!  Fresh, pickled, roasted you name it.  Last week I lived off beet hummus and all the healthy options I could dunk into it.  Ironically I was catching up on missed episodes of Portlandia and laughed until I cried upon watching the 911 Beet Emergency skit.  This healthy and yummy meatless meal is in honor of Carrie Brownstein and Fred Armisen.  Go Beets!

Roasted Beet Casserole

Roasted Beet Casserole

Preheat oven to 425f.  Add squash, onions, kale and radish to a casserole dish greased with 1 tbsp of the coconut oil.  Roast for 25 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.   Combine seasoning and tofu or cheese and spread over the vegetables. Add lentils, kale and then top with beets for the last 5 minutes or so. Melt remaining coconut oil and mix with seeds, almond flour and oats.  Salt and pepper the topping to taste.  Spread topping over the casserole.  Reduce heat to 350 f and bake for another 20 minutes or until the topping has browned to your liking.

Roasted Beet Casserole

This dish is great frozen.  I like to make it ahead of time and divide into lunch sized portions.


More for Beet Lovers:


Photo Credit: Julie T Cecchini

Ffwd: Tartine Regime, no dairy, no wheat

Ffwd: Tartine Regime, no dairy, no wheat
This is a beautifully simple recipe for something special.  But I have to admit that the english name "Dieter's" really made it unappealing for me.  Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to dieting.  In fact I am sure I have been on one since I learned to spell the word.  It is just that the word diet implies a food that has no substance, no soul.  This recipe does and I made a couple alterations to make it perfect for just about any diet.  With inspiration from Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Kitchen, here it is;

Take the slices from 2 of the tomatoes, chop them fine and mix in with the cheese.  Spread the cheese over the cucumber slices.  Top each with a slice of tomato. Sprinkle with Herbs de Provence, black pepper and salt.  Top with chives.  When it is close to serving time, finish with a light drizzle of olive oil. 

  Ffwd: Tartine Regime, no dairy, no wheat


Adapted from Dorie Greenspans Around My French Table.


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Photo Credit: Julie T Cecchini