Inspired by Saveur - Welsh Rarebit Bites with Apples and Granville Cheddar

welsh rarebit with granville cheese
I always wondered about Welsh Rarebit.  I have long known it was not made with rabbit, yet still it is there in my head that it is. I found a recipe for the British favorite in Saveur.  Sometimes rarebit is prepared like a fondue, but this one is more like grilled cheese on steroids.

This weekend I traveled up the road apiece got apples at Nestrovich and aged cheddar from my favorite country store.  I am thinking this is a terrific recipe for a Monday evening meal.  The absence of rabbit will it a much easier sell to the men at my kitchen table.

Granville country store


Welsh Rarebit with Granville Cheddar

Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat. Brush bread with melted butter; working in batches, grill, flipping once, until golden on both sides, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Layer 2 apple slices on each toast; set aside.

Roasted apple on toast for wlsh rarebit

Arrange an oven rack 4″ from broiler and heat broiler to high. Mix cheese, yogurt, Worcestershire, mustard, honey, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Spread about 1 tbsp. of the cheese mixture over each toast. Broil until topping is melted and golden brown, about 4 minutes.

Simple ideas for busy weeknights:




Photo Credit: Julie Cecchini

Matzo in a Wok

Matzo in a Wok
All I knew about Matzo was that it came in a box with the name Manischewitz on it. Well that and we never bought it because my mother thought it was a really tasteless cracker.
Then I got a schooling on Passover from Eva Owen and Bill Tewels.  The original meal was made in haste by the Israelites the last night before their exodus from Egypt.  The food was simple out of necessity.  Matzo, an unleavened bread, was the backbone of the meal.  It is meant sustain and satisfy.  Thats it, a bread/cracker completely without pretense.
Matzo in a Wok
I have been intrigued ever since.  Out of necessity, my first matzo had to be made in a wok.  This is how I did it.
  • 2 cups Specialty Matzo, whole wheat or Spelt Flour
  • 3/4 cup Spring Water (more as needed)
  • Olive Oil  (optional)
 Matzo in a Wok
Mix flour and enough water together, until you have a soft workable dough.  Kneed for about 5 minutes.  Dust a piece of parchment with flour.  Place a meatball sized ball on top.   Roll into a thin circle and prick with a fork.  Put aside and repeat until the dough is finished.
Using a paper towel, rub oil over a wok.  Turn the heat on to the lowest setting.  When a drop of water sizzles in the pan it is ready.  Place 1 piece of rolled dough in the pan.  Cover and cook for 10 minutes.  Flip and cook for another 7 minutes.  The finished matzo should be cracker like.  Cook a bit longer if it is still a bit doughy.
If you have an oven, bake for about 5 minutes at 450 f.
Makes about 12 matzoh.
Matzo in a wok
More to fill a passover table:


Photo Credit:  Julie Cecchini