Where's your favorite clambake spot?
When I think of summer I think of clam bakes. When I think of clam bakes I think of my irascible father and the boats he had while my sister and I were children.
As long as the weather was warm our weekends were spent on a boat. Most of our meals meant some sort of clambake. To me clam bakes are like sauce. Every geography, every culture and every family has it's own special recipe.
Sometimes we would make stuffed clams with the quahogs we dug up. Others would feature steamed clams purchased from passing fishing boats. If littlenecks were on the menu we might have them in a sauce with pasta. Oh the things my mother could concoct with a camp stove and a hibachi.
Most often our boat was overflowing with friends and family. The remainder of our menu depended on the people visiting. If is was Curt and Dorothy ith would mean fresh caught fish. Grandma and Grandpa would always bring meatballs and sausages. When we would venture up to the rocky Maine it was always an elaborately planned affair. Mr Underwood took his clam bakes very seriously.
My personal favorite clam bake spot was moored off the sand dunes of Point Judith on the Long Island Sound. My favorite clam bake day was my 4th birthday. For sure the steamers and swordfish were delicious, but what made it really special was the game of Peter Pan we all got to play with my father (Captain Crook). All of the lost boys would be chasing him around in the water and he would climb on to the boat and dive off the flying bridge. As Tinkerbell, his fying was my favorite part. He really knows how to soar, that man.
Where's your favorite Clambake spot?
Great Recipes for any clambake:
Just a little news - again my bags are packed and I am off on another adventure in the Far East. The showroom will be open by appointment in September and October. BUT......
In November we will be open every Saturday from 9am to 5pm.
Open every day from Small Business Saturday
November 30th until Monday December 23rd.
10-7 Monday thru Friday
9-5 on Saturday
12-5 on Sunday
Photo Credit: The Cecchini Family