TWD: Baked Yogurt Tart
I love yogurt, I love tarts and I love seasonal fruit. But, I could not
get my act together with this one. It is partly due to the fact that I
have decided to revisit all of the ancient receipts in our collection,
looking for ways to improve the techniques as well as make them
healthier. So over the past couple week my kitchen has been a sweet
shop and any cravings I had have long been satiated.
Now that's
have finally gotten to it, I am not sure what the hold up was. The flavors are so subtle and luscious on a flaky crust. I did not expect baking yogurt to yield such a creamy base for fruit.
It is a beautiful ode to the fresh flavors of summer. The perfect addition to a family picnic or, as my sister who was gifted with the beauty tells me, perfect for a summer breakfast treat.
This is what I did to cut down on sugar and make it gluten free.
- 1/8 cup Xylitol
1 egg
- 1 cup Yogurt
- 2 tbsp Orange Vanilla Sugar
- 1/4 cup Arrowroot
1/2 cups blueberries
- 1 cup sliced peaches
- 1/3 cup chopped nuts (I used almonds)
- 1/4 recipe gluten free Flaky Crust
In a large bowl, beat the eggs and sugar for 3-4 minutes till pale and
thick. Lightly fold the yogurt and vanilla extract into this until
mixed. Sieve the flour into this gently, folding it into the mix in
Spread crust into a tart pan or plate. If you line the plate with parchment it will make your life easier. Put parchement on top of the crust. Top that with pie weights or beans. Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.
Once the crust is baked, pour the mix into it, it will reach
almost to the top of the pan. Once you arrange the fruits in the center
and nuts around the circumference, the tart is ready to go into the oven
for 40 minutes at 170 C (325F), until lightly golden around the edges.
Unmould with the foil or from the detachable base and chill in the
fridge for 2 hours or so. Peel off foil and place on a cake tray, slice
into wedges. Once such tart will yield 16 slices.
More recipes for this delicious book: