Spice Gift Boxes
We have decided to get the party started a little early this year...

Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark, with craisins and a protein punch

Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark, with craisins and a protein punch

What glorious weather the trick or treaters enjoyed last night.  All the way home I watched them parade the country lanes using their finery to illicit some candy from the happy home owners.  All the way home I thought of my favorite chocolate treats.  As I was waiting for my pasta to boil I scoured the cabinets to see if I could whip something up to soothe my cravings.  What I found was fitting the season and healthy enough to justify one more piece.  I may even save some for gifts - well perhaps I will just have to make more.

If you are strictly watching calories you might be shocked, however this combination of ingredients is proof that with a little moderation you can have your cake and the energy to eat it too.  Dark chocolate is heart healthy and craisins are full of dietary fiber, antioxidants and vitamins A and C.  Pumpkin seeds are a concentrated source of minerals, B vitamins and anti-oxidants.  Brazil nuts are rich in mono-unsaturated fats and selenium.  Hemp is a high protein seed containing all nine of the essential amino acids. It also has high amounts of fatty acids and fiber as well as containing vitamin E and trace minerals.  Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark, with craisins and a protein punch

Using a pot big enough to hold a mixing bowl, bring water to boil.  When it comes to a boil reduce heat by 1/3.  Put the chocolate into the bowl.  Stir occassionally, adding the remaining ingredients  as it melts.  When the chocolate is melted in the nuts, seeds and berries are blended in evenly, spread the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  Allow to cool and then cut using a long knife.  Store in a cook, dry, dark place. 

Try substituting espresso powder for the craisins to create a capuccino bark.

Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark, with craisins and a protein punch


More on Cranberries and Chocolate:


Photo Credit:  Julie Cecchini


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Glad to hear you had nice weather, not the story for us!

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