Pumpkin Brownies, a simple recipe for a seasonal sensation
Creative Cookie Creations

Roasted Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad

Roasted Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad

It is just past noon and I am dreaming about dinner.  While everyone else at the farm stand this weekend was picking out pumpkins to carve, I had a dozen recipes I wanted to experiment with.  This recipe was inspired by 101 Cookbooks.  I find Heidi Swanson's work ethereal and sublime. Here is a healthy, hearty, harvest of flavor. 

Roasted Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad

 Lay pumpkin out in a roasting pan. Add onion and beans.   Drizzle warmed coconut oil over the cubes.  Sprinkle salt over and then toss in the pan. Roast for 45 minutes in a 375 f preheated oven. Remove pan from the oven every 15 minutes and toss the squash and onions so that they are caramelized and cooked throughout.

While the pumpkin is roasting toss 1/2 the dressing with the Quinoa on a serving platter, that has been lined with spinach.  When the vegetables are finished add them to the grain and gently toss.   Sprinkle beets and pepitas over the salad and finish with a drizzle of the remaining dressing.

Roasted Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad

What you've shared:

Emma Alison Evans I made it last night, with a slight variation :) I roasted sweet potatoes and roasted the beets, too, with the pumpkin! Pete says it is his new favorite dish and my roomate was raving about the recipe as well! We made pan-seared tilapia (cooked in coconut oil) to go along with it and it was a DELICIOUS, hearty fall dinner! thank you so much for sharing your culinary creativity :)


More ideas to Savour Squash


Photo Credit:  Julie Cecchini


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