I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
Pastis and PEI Oysters Rockefeller on a steamy summer day

Myriad View 's sizzling summer Caipirinha, a little bit of Rio from P.E.Island

Myriad View 's sizzling summer Caipirinha, a little bit of Rio from P.E.Island

A nurse from Manitoba and a doctor from England emigrated to this island to make the most of Canada's sunniest spot and their love of gardening.  They quickly immersed themselves in the culture of their adopted home.  Every celebration, every gathering would involve a refreshment of homemade shine. Paul and Angela Berrow set out to provide this bit of the islands heritage to a wider audience.



With a stunning view of Rollo Bay from their home, gardens and distillery, Angela has a muse to inspire her creativity at the still.  Myriad View started by producing the island's favorite spirit, moonshine or "Shine".  Today they offer a selection of the islands favorite spirit, rum, gin, vodka and whisky.  Pastis is a specialty product we hope they continue.

  Myriad View 's sizzling summer Caipirinha, a little bit of Rio from P.E.Island


"This recipe really does bring out the flavour of our Shine."

~ 2 or 3 lime wedges, cut in 1/2
~ 2 tsp Turbinado sugar (we substituted 1tsp Xylitol)
~ 2 ounces Strait Shine

Muddle the sugar and lime wedges together in an old fashioned glass until the sugar is dissolved and the lime juice is released.  Fill the glass with ice and pour in the Strait Shine. Stir briefly.

Myriad View 's sizzling summer Caipirinha, a little bit of Rio from P.E.Island

Variations ~ Add a few pieces of fruit such as raspberries, blueberries or  strawberries to muddle with the lime wedges and then follow recipe as above.

image from www.seniorssafety.ca

If you love limes:


Artwork: CA Joubert

Photos: Julie Cecchini


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