It's raining, it's pouring
Rhubarb Mustard Sauce for fish and poultry

It's raining, it's pouring

052011 e-mailIt’s raining, it’s pouring and the old man is snoring.  They are suffering from a drought in Texas, massive flooding along the Mississippi, and chances of forest fires in Colorado.  Here in New England the landscape is verdant and lush due to endless rain.  I suspect the ton of wood that just got delivered to a bearded neighbor is for an Ark.

 At times like these, my mind plays tricks on me and I think I forgot what the sun looks like.  But, what goes around comes around and I am certain the flowers in our garden will once again be basking in blazing rays and asking for water.  Then I will be thinking Barbeque rather than Harney and Sons Tea.

This past fall I became involved in the Food Pantry in my hometown of Southwick, MA.  The issue of hunger has long been a concern of mine.  With the threat of closure, this little organization became the ideal place to devote my time and energy.  As of 1/1/11 my group took over the mission in the tiny parsonage at 220 College Highway.  It has been a tumultuous time, but we are finally reaching calm waters.  That means our energies need to focus on fund-raising.  I promise not to continually badger you with requests for donations.  Unless there are objections I will occasionally keep you abreast of what we are doing and ask for opinions.  Today I wanted to let you know we are having an Avon Fundraiser through one of our volunteers.  If you were already looking for Skin So Soft for the summer, please consider buying it through the pantry?  It will be shipped or delivered to you, free of charge, through Terra Americana.


Wherever you are and whatever the weather, I hope you have the opportunity to take a minute to disconnect, rest, relax and enjoy this weekend.




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