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What is your favorite thing to do with Easter Eggs?


  There is something happy about the idea of an Easter Egg.  The soft silhouette exudes a comfort, that is enhanced by color and contrast.  Every spring I look forward to opening that PAAS Coloring Kit and attempting a masterpiece on egg shell.

My friend Jennifer was telling me about a favorite Aunt who made an adventure out of coloring eggs.  The treat was made sweeter on Easter when those eggs would be used for the family's favorite Deviled Eggs.

I always remember Easter as a sunny day.  New dresses and hats would be worn.  At the center of Grandma's table would be the Italian Easter Bread.  After impatiently waiting through the meal all of us at the Kids table would be given the signal to go outside and start the hunt for the Golden egg.  I distinctly remember getting in to a mud fight with my cousin Carlo the year we found it at the same time, hidden under the grape arbor.  That Easter dress would never be the same, but I got the egg!  I can't wait to have Easter egg hunts with my own children...

Creating, cooking and concealing are all my favorite ways to enjoy Easter Eggs, what are yours?

 A $25 gift certificate to the person who posts the most clever way to hide your Easter Eggs on our Facebook Page.  

What you've shared:

  1. Our family makes Braided Easter Bread. It's a sweet bread served as dessert. It makes a festive presentation. This recipe is slightly different than ours but very close.
    Posted by Deena Montillo
  2. I love to color the eggs with my girls!
    Posted by Erin Calvo-Bacci
  3. Color them pretty and then put them out for everyone on Easter morning to eat with Buccha.
    Posted by Sandy Sorel
  4. Susan Breen Monahan My mother often put the baskets in the dryer.
  5. Kathleen Vignolini • Sorry, this is too late. But when our kids were young, I'd take the tool, egg small side up, dip it in one color, turn it sideways or off side, then in another, then finish the other part(s) in another.  My kids would "splash" colors all around the egg using undiluted dyes, or cover the egg with different paper towels, each dipped in a different undiluted dye, or use color crayon to block areas.


Delightful Additions to any Easter Menu;

  What do you do with your Easter Eggs

Photo Credit:   Getty Images


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Favorite Aunt Terry

Dear Sweet Julie:
I just returned from an Easter Egg hunt on the beach at Grand Harbor Beach Club in Vero Beach, FL with our grandsons. It was my very first BEACH Easter Egg Hunt. The blue sky, the blue/green ocean and white sand were gleamingly magnificient. Love and hugs, Your Favorite Aunt Terry

Julie Cecchini

Terry, that is just beautiful. I hope Will and Ethan had as grand a time as you!


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