Happy New Year
I hope the New Year has had a glorious start for all of you. For me it has been a bit hectic, but as time progresses I anticipate that will turn into fulfillment. I am part of a group that has taken over the management of the Food Pantry in Southwick. Every day I am more amazed at the talents and dedication of my colleagues. The new name of the pantry is Our Community Food Pantry. Our mission is to feed the hungry in the three towns of Southwick, Granville and Tolland; never turning away a family in need.
If you are looking to do something one winter Saturday, consider a farmer's market. They have sprung up all over the place. One of my favorites is the Food Shed at Enterprise Farm. It is open Tuesdays and Saturdays. In the dead of winter when there is less available locally they seek out fruit and produce from family run and organic farms in the south. Last winter I purchased the best avocados and grapefruit I have ever tasted there. Because the bounty comes direct, what you buy is hours off the tree.
Stay warm, stay healthy, even if you don’t like all of this glorious snow.
P.S. A cat was visiting us every Thursday in the summer. I called him Ernest after reading Valerie Hemingways “Running with the Bulls”. That Ernest just loved his cats. Our Ernest disapeard over the fall; we and the neighbors all missed him. Anyway, our Ernest showed up on December 8th, greeted
everyone who came to our sale and has no intention of leaving. He/she, the black and white affectionate stray may also be part of a bigger family soon. Let us know if you want a kitten. Names we are thinking of are Joe Dimagio, Georgia O’keefe, Dolly Parton and Jim Beam. But what do we call Ernest? A gift certificate to the most appropriate name.
Names volunteered so far;
- Ernestine
- Jezebel
- Hester Prynne (from The Scarlet Letter)
We are posting recipes and local food news weekly on our column at Examiner.com. If you are interested in receiving the stories as we post them you are welcome to sign up here.
Photo credit: Gazettnet