Mixed Berry Preserves
Delightful Poultry and Pork Marinade

Lemon Ginger Marinade and Grilling Sauce

Lemon Ginger Marinade and Grilling Sauce
This combination of fresh flavors makes a fantastic marinade for fish, poultry, beef, pork, veggies and tofu.  For me it is an easy go to that pleases everyone.

Pour the ingredients into a food processor or bowl and whip to combine. Marinate your favorite fish, pork, chicken or beef in it for at least 1 hour, over night is preferable. 

To use it as a grilling sauce, brush on fish, poultry, meats and veggies while on the grill.

Lemon Ginger Marinade and Grilling Sauce
This marinade is exceptional with tuna steaks. If you have leftover marinade, blend it with 1 tsp Lemon Ginger Curry, 1/4 cup sesame seeds and 1/4 cup olive oil, for a dipping sauce, salad dressing or steak sauce.

  Lemon Ginger Marinade and Grilling Sauce

More that is great for the grill:


Photo Credit: Julie T Cecchini


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