Pot Pie Topping
Sesame Kale Salad from Enterprise Farm

Radishes with Orange Honey Drizzle from Enterprise Farm

Easter EgRadishes with orange honey drizzleg Radishes are a small sweet and spicy Spring Radish. They are named for their egg like share and bright pink, red, purple and cream colors. They are crunchy and delicious raw. You can alsoserve them cooked. Add them to salads or serve with veggie dips as part of a crudités.

  Classically, they are sliced thinly and served on buttered toast with a pinch of salt and pepper. Make a orange-honey drizzle to add to the toast to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Orange-Honey Drizzle:

  • 3 tbsp local honey,
  • 1/4 tsp orange zest,
  • 3 tsp freshly squeezed orange juice,
  • salt and pepper to taste

More from Enterprise Farm

Photo Credit:  Enterprise Farm News Letter 6/7/10


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