Salata Therini - Greek Summer Salad
Sevillian Gazpacho

Old Favorites For Cooking: Sevillian Rice


Sevillian Rice

My memories of Seville are of dancing in the Barrio do Santa Cruz till dawn and then watching the sunrise at a little cafe along the river near the Tower of Gold.  There they served a wonderful curried rice dish, which was almost like a risotto, filled with chicken, raisins and walnuts.  This is a similar recipe made with our Lemon Ginger Curry.  Whether you are looking for a little sustenance after having been up dancing all night or in need of something a little exotic to get you out of the doldrums, this should do the trick.


Empty the contents of this tube into a large bowl and stir contents until they are mixed evenly. Pour the
rice mixture into a pot with


Return to the heat and bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for about 25 minutes. If you wish to microwave, do so on high in a microwavable bowl for about 25 minutes. Serve warm or cold. Salt and pepper to taste. This mixture accents chicken beautifully. It is wonderful on its own or served with pork or oily fish. It is not necessary to make all of this rice at once. Empty the entire contents of the tube  into a bowl and mix thoroughly, then split the mix in half or quarters and reserve what you are not going to use for another time.

Ingredients: White rice, raisins, Lemon Ginger Curry (Ginger, Lemon Peel, Curry Powder) and Kosher salt.

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Photo Credit: Justin Hansen


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