Old Favorites For Baking: Waffle Mix
Old Favorites For Baking: Biscotti

Old Favorites For Cooking: Polenta

Basic polentaOutside the walls of the Tuscan City of Sienna in Italy you will find the Villa which was once the home of Garibaldi.  He was the Italian adventurer who helped in the liberation of California.  When he returned to his home he brought back redwood saplings, which still stand today overlooking a vineyard.  The villa is now a very romantic Inn, full of 4 poster beds and antiques galore.  One evening for dinner we were given polenta with our meal rather than bread, potatoes or pasta. 

To prepare the entire bag, bring


to a boil in a medium sauce pan, gradually stir in 1 cup of our Basic Polenta.  As the polenta begins to thicken,  


Cook until the polenta starts to pull away from the sides of the pan, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes. 

Ideas to make the most of our basic polenta mix

Ingredients: Coarse ground cornmeal, sugar, and kosher salt.

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Photo Credit:  Justin Hansen


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