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Old Favorites For Cooking: Black Beans and Rice

Black beans & rice

The idea for this mix came from a fishing expedition to Costa Rica. The sky was blue, the sea was clear and the fish were plentiful. Any we wished to keep were brought back to port, where a special little restaurant would prepare our catch for us. For each type of fish there was a different method of preparation. The one constant was the black beans and rice with every meal. While our fish had to stay in Costa Rica, their recipe for black beans and rice came home.


Empty the contents of this tube into a large bowl and  stir contents until they are mixed evenly. Then add:


Let sit overnight. When you are ready to start cooking the rice and beans pour the contents of the bowl into a covered saute pan. Simmer with the cover on until the water has evaporated and rice and beans are soft to the touch. If the water has evaporated and the rice is still firm, add a 1/3 cup of water and continue simmering. Simmer, covered, for about 25 minutes.

Ingredients:White rice, black turtle beans, Aussie Outback Rub (onion, garlic, sea salt, coarse ground black pepper, crushed red pepper, celery seed, dill seed, rosemary, oregano & carraway).

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Photo Credit:  Justin Hansen


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