Slow roasted brisket, a simple and delicious alternative to corned beef.
"Yes there are two paths

Welcome Spring!

Irishsheep Welcome Spring! 

 This year we are welcoming in glorious Spring with a belated St Patrick’s Day meal with the Italian side of our family.  Do we dare subject them to Corned Beef and Cabbage?  Deciding to go with new Irish Fare my mother and I scoured Sharon O’Connor’s the Irish Isle shown below.  We evolved some of the mouth watering recipes from Historic Inns and made them our own.


Our menu is simple.


We added parsnips after our friends at Red Fire Farm suggested they are an ideal addition to mashed potatoes. 

Slow Roasted Brisket

Far better than boiled!

Irish Oat Scones

After all our ancestors did not just eat soda bread.

  The Cecchini’s are notoriously good cooks so we are sure to have lovely appetizers and must save room for Brenda’s amazing deserts.  For Irish Coffee we will have locally roasted Irish Cream Coffee on hand.

 The crew will be at the showroom tomorrow on Saturday March 13th  9am to 1pm doing a spring cleaningIf you are interested in stopping by all items will be featured at the wholesale price.  Don’t mind the brooms, dusters and bottle of Windex scattered about.


Stay dry this weekend!




PS,  We are posting recipes and local food news weekly on our column at  If you are interested in receiving the stories as we post them you are welcome to sign up here.



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