"Action may not bring happiness,
Fresh Acres; Springfield's rear round open air market

Western Massachusetts Hunger Summit

September is National Hunger Action Month.  

The Western Mass Food Bank will be hosting a conference to draw attention to issues directly related to hunger in our Community at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield on Thursday September 24th 2009. Similar Events are being held accross the nation this month.

The local Summit promises programs to center around the Western Mass Food Bank's finding that one in every ten area residents seeks food assistance through emergency programs. Megan S. Pete, director of development and marketing for the Food Bank has been quoted as saying the number totals more than 114,000 in Western Massachusetts.  Support of local agencies is another topic to be broached.  Springfield Mayor, Dominic J Sarno will introduce the newly formed Springfield Food Policy Council, an initiative to "improve access to nutritious, affordable, fresh, and safe foods for all residents of Springfield.”  The Keynote speaker is Joel Berg, nationally recognized expert on hunger and author of a new book, "All You Can Eat: How Hungry is America?"

While morning sessions are only open to members of Food Bank Agencies, the afternoon hosts a series of workshops open to the public.  The agenda includes;

  1. The Link Between Obesity and Hunger
  2. Food Policy Councils
  3. Youth Against Hunger
  4. Government Anti-Hunger Programs

For more info: 

Conference and registration details

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