The other day Justin and I were trying to define the people who make up Terra Americana. The answer was not clear. We are not the type to follow the leader. We have our own ideas and opinions. Yet we are open to intelligent persua...
Search Results: “rhubarb”
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Comment by Cher on “Ffwd: Sable breton galette with berries, wheat free ”
I have bookmarked that rhubarb curd recipe. I am swimming in rhubarb right now and am intrigued!
Comment by Diane Balch on “Ffwd: Sable breton galette with berries, wheat free ”
I just did a post about rhubarb I've never had it as a curd... sounds great. Mine is also gluten ...
Comment by Betsy on “Ffwd: Sable breton galette with berries, wheat free ”
Looks good. I'm intrigued by the rhubarb curd. I'll check that out.